This also allows the body and mind to return to their flexibility and life to its flow. A holistic touch helps us to experience and express ourselves in our wholeness, in being, as we are meant to be.
In the mindful contact between Shiatsu therapist and patient a resonance space is created in which our life energy (Ki) unfolds and the release of blockages and resistances in body, mind and soul is supported. The touch in Shiatsu is attentive and space-giving, concrete, accurate and deep. This allows the outward focus of our everyday consciousness to turn inwards towards ourselves and we can find our way from relaxation into deep relaxation.
Shiatsu is a holistic Japanese treatment method with its roots in Chinese medicine. Sometimes Shiatsu is also called holistic energetic bodywork. This ancient healing art works with our life energy (jap Ki and chin. Qi), which is also expressed and accessible in our meridians. On the level of Ki, body, mind and soul are connected.
The requests on a treatment are as diverse as people are different. Due to my many years of professional experience and my inner attitude during a treatment, it is possible for me to respond to these diverse requests and the uniqueness of each person.
What does Shiatsu help with, when is it used?
Shiatsu promotes development and healing processes. It is used for support in various phases of life and situations. As Shiatsu is a holistic treatment, it can reach people on all levels of their existence. Thus the spectrum of its application is very wide.
• in case of physical, mental and/or spiritual strain
• in life crises and stressful situations
• in case of lack of energy and states of exhaustion
• in case of general indisposition, when things are “no longer running smoothly“
• Psychosomatic complaints
• personal development processes
• Muscle tension, back pain, neck and shoulder problems
• tension headaches
• during pregnancy
• for acute and chronic complaints
• after illnesses or accidents in recovery processes
• as an accompanying measure for orthodox medical treatments
• as an accompanying measure for naturopathic treatments
• to calm the vegetative nervous system
• support the harmonious function of the internal organs
• to strengthen and support the immune system
• strengthens health and supports self-regulation in people
• regular treatments can be an important aspect of preventive health care
• etc.
The average treatment time is 60 minutes. I always plan enough time for your treatment. Every Shiatsu treatment includes a preliminary talk with a short anamnesis and time to rest. The treatment takes place comfortably clothed on a futon. I practice Zen Shiatsu according to Shizuto Masunaga.
Book your Shiatsu treatment right away – I look forward to seeing you and wonderful treatments!
May Your Energy Flow. Your Spirits Be High.
May you dwell in peace in the home
of your own being!