April 3, 2022

Masunaga Shiatsu

Masunaga Shiatsu
/zen ʃiˈætsuː/



The Shiatsu style founded by Shizuto Masunaga is known as Zen Shiatsu. Masunaga was a Shiatsu therapist and professor of western psychology in Tokyo.


To develop his Zen Shiatsu therapy, Masunaga combined elements of Shiatsu and the Taoist roots of Chinese medicine with Western psychology, physiology and philosophical thoughts of Zen Buddhism – as well as his experiences from countless Shiatsu treatments. Masunaga also expanded the Chinese meridian system. Learn more about the individual “Masunaga Meridians” and Masunaga’s theoretical framework for his Zen Shiatsu therapy


Zen Shiatsu is characterised by a special inner attitude of respect and attention towards the patient. Learn more about Shiatsu and when it can be helpful and about a Shiatsu treatment.


Or maybe you would like to book your Shiatsu treatment right away?




Masunaga wrote two books about the theory and practical application of Shiatsu. “Zen Shiatsu: How to Harmonize Yin and Yang for Better Health” and “Meridian Exercises”, in which he introduces yoga-like exercises that specifically stimulate and harmonize the flow of energy in the meridians and organs. These exercises are also known as Makko Ho Exercises.


The most comprehensive shiatsu book today is by Carola Beresford – Cooke “Shiatsu Theory and Practice”.

May Your Energy Flow. Your Spirits Be High.

May you dwell in peace in the home
of your own being!

Holistic Therapies , Shiatsu I Theory , Uncategorized
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